V60 Brew Guide

Black Kettle pouring into a v60 brew cone


This recipe is based on the classic 4:6 method developed by Tetsu Kasuya. It was developed for a V60 but it works well on other pour over brewers with slight method variation including v-cone drippers, Stagg XF brewers, and more. This recipe takes a total of 3:30 seconds and requires 5 separate pours.

V60 cone Brewer + Filter




15g of coffee (Our grind size #13 grind on Baratza Virtuoso Plus)

250g of water


  1. Pre-rinse your filter with hot water and pre-heat your brewing vessel

  2. 2. Boil some fresh clean filtered water.

  3. Grind your coffee and level the bed of ground by gently tapping the side of the cone. Using a chopstick or something of similar size, make a small divot in the middle of the grounds but don’t press or compact the coffee.

  4. Start your timer and pour 45 grams water that is just boiling right into the center of the grounds…

  5. At 30 seconds pour an additional 55g of water to make it an even 100g

  6. Give the brewer a gentle swirl to get rid of any air pockets or channeling.

  7. When the timer hits 1 minute pour an additional 50g of water (now at 150g)

  8. At 1:30 pour 50g (now at 200g)

  9. At 2:00 pour 50g (now at 250g)

  10. Brew time should finish by 3:30

  11. Enjoy!

Pour overs are very dependent on flow and positioning of your kettle. Practice keeping steady water flow and moving in small circles around the center of the brewer, while keeping the end of the spout parallel to the brewer at all times. The goal is a steady water flow hitting the coffee (up and down motions will alter the water flow and can create pockets in the coffee bed)

If your brew is tasting harsh, dry or astringent, grind courser. If it tastes weak and sour, grind finer.