Roaster’s Report - Rosa Encarnacion


Source: Red Fox Coffee Merchants

Country: Ecuador

Growing region: Imbabura

Elevation: 2300 masl (This is significant in the resulting density of the coffee. You can only grow coffee this high directly at the equator, otherwise it is too cold at these elevations for coffee to thrive.)

Coffee variety: Caturra

Processing: Washed, 24hr fermentation, and 25-30 day drying on patios and parabolic driers.

Cupping Score: 87

Coffee description: One of the boldest cups of coffee we offer. Really big bodied with tons of sweetness. Flavors of watermelon, lime, grapefruit are present, with a complex sweetness that lingers to the finish. Texture is big and smooth, like a macadamia nut.  Rosa Encarnación and her husband acquired finca La Rafaela in 2009, though it wasn’t until 2012 she began to cultivate coffee. The farm is named after her daughter, Rafaela, who is named after Rosa’s legendary father, Raphael.

Green coffee transparency: 550lbs @ $5.50/lb, Feb 2021 (Commodity coffee price: $0.95/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)

Length of Relationship: Red Fox Coffee Merchants, since 2017. La Rafaela Farm, since 2017

If you want to learn more about how we would brew this coffee, click here for our brew guides.