Roaster’s Report - Mexico Nayarit Anaerobic Natural

Source: Genuine Origin

Country: Mexico

Growing region: Nayarit

Elevation: 800 masl

Coffee varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai

Processing: Anaerobic Natural

Cupping Score: 87.5

Coffee description: The Mexican state of Nayarit is rich in agriculture. The highlands of Tepic, Nayarit’s capital city, lies at the foothills of an extinct volcano and experiences a humid, subtropical climate; most of its rainfall occurs between April to November. The city is well-connected with highway, air, and rail transport infrastructure that catalyzed the region’s growth as a commercial, industrial, and agricultural center.

Cofradía de Chocolón is a two-hour, dirt-road drive from Tepic. Although it’s a small town in the middle of nowhere, the area boasts spectacular views of the ocean and forests full of old coffee plantations. Bourbon and Caturra trees benefit from the distinctive environment, and when cherries are naturally and anaerobically processed, the resulting coffee teems with exotic tropical and fruit flavors. This natural-anaerobic-processed coffee from northern Mexico presents a unique and complex cup profile for roasters looking for something new to offer.

Flavors remind us of plum, raspberry, and honey.

Green coffee transparency: 200lbs @ 6.60/lb, July 2023 (Commodity coffee price: $1.65/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)

Length of Relationship: Genuine Origin since 2017.

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