Roaster’s Report - Nicaragua La Bastilla Estate Gesha Natural

raised drying beds at La Bastilla Estate

Source: Genuine Origin

Country: Nicaragua

Growing region: Jinotega

Elevation: 1300-1500 masl

Coffee varieties: Gesha

Processing: Natural

Cupping Score: 87.25

Coffee description: This micro-lot was sourced from Finca La Bastilla, an idyllic farm set in the high peaks of Nicaragua’s Jinotega department. Ripe red coffee cherries were picked from Gesha trees, sorted, and laid out to dry without removing the fruit or skin. The resulting vibrant, sweet, fruit-forward cup was the result of pairing the variety with the natural processing.

After the cherries have been dried, the seeds (or coffee beans) are removed from the fruit and prepared for export. The team at La Bastilla strives for strong berry notes and uses a proprietary process that is a "trade secret" of the La Bastilla mill. Additionally, La Bastilla owns its own micro-mill. Every coffee is wet-milled and dry-milled with care. Between coffee varieties and its ability to control processing, La Bastilla is capable of producing more than 150 micro-lot coffees, including bespoke offerings upon request.

We taste notes of: fresh blueberry, star fruit, and white grapes

Green coffee transparency: 65lbs @ 10.05/lb, July 2023 (Commodity coffee price: $1.65/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)

Length of Relationship: Genuine Origin since 2017.

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