Roaster’s Report - Finca El Diviso Sidra Natural

Finca El Diviso Sidra Natural Farmers by coffee tree

Source: Genuine Origin

Country: Colombia

Growing region: Bruselas - Pitalito, Huila

Elevation: 1750masl

Coffee varieties: Bourbon Sidra

Processing: Natural

Cupping Score: 88.75

Coffee description: In the south of Huila, Jose Uribe Lasso founded Finca El Diviso as a way to discover new methods of improving Colombia coffee quality. The Lasso family rigorously experiments with processing and fermentation with different microorganisms in hopes of achieving unique, traceable cup profiles with international recognition. El Diviso is high up in Pitalito at 1,750masl. Here, the Lasso family cultivates Pink and Yellow Bourbon, Sidra, Geisha, and Tabi varietals.

Sidra, also sometimes referred to as Sydra or Bourbon Sidra, is a rare Arabica varietal that has shared the spotlight on the world stage with highly coveted exotics like Geisha and Sudan Rume. However, its origins aren’t well-documented and attempts to decipher its genetics have led to contrasting results. Many agree that Sidra was first developed in Ecuador and shares a sweet cup profile comparable to Ethiopian landrace varietals.

Green coffee transparency: 65lbs @ 11.74/lb, April 2023 (Commodity coffee price: $1.96/lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)

Length of Relationship: Genuine Origin since 2017.

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